Sunday, September 23, 2012

Annotated bibliographies

1. Danziger, Dennis. "Governor Brown's Modest Proposal." Huffington Post. HuffPost Education            Group, 26 Sept. 2012. Web. 2 Oct. 2012. <    danziger/governor-browns-modest-proposal_b_1915042.html>.

            Dennis Danziger’s article details the effects of potential government cuts on California’s public schools. It lists details on a shortened school year. The article also compares the shortened to school year to other countries’ public school years. The article applies to the general public.

2.  Gordon Larry. “UC regents weigh ugly options; ‘No Ideas are off the Table’ as leaders            brainstorm ways to cope if tax hike fails.” Los Angeles Times 13 Sep. 2012: AA.1.        National Newspaper Core. Web. 22 Sep. 2012.

            Larry Gordon’s article describes the University of California’s potential outcomes from the failure of proposition 30. The author lists details of the UC system’s plan of coping with the failure of proposition 30. Gordon’s article appeals to the general public, especially those interested in proposition 30. Gordon lists many quotations from UC Regents that describe the UC’s financial struggles. He limits personal analysis and insight but provides many facts.  The article provides several facts that support the need for proposition 30.


3. Rivera, Carla. “Cal State to raise fees if tax hike fails; Trustees tentatively approve a 5%            tuition increase for next year if voters in November reject Prop. 30” Los Angeles Times 19 Sep. 2012: AA.1. National Newspaper Core. Web. 22 Sep. 2012.

In her article, Carla Rivera describes ways in which the UC and CSU system will cope with budget cuts. The article lists facts on tuition increases and reduced admissions, classes, and facukty. Rivera’s article applies to the general public, and it centralizes on those involved with California’s public education. The article remains a valuable source for informing people on the effects of the failure of Proposition 30.

4. Swift, Brenna. "School Initiatives Explained." Union Democrat. Western Communications,      Inc., 5 Oct. 2012. Web. 2 Oct. 2012. <   News/School-initiatives-explained>.

            Brenna Swifts article of “School Initiatives Explained” lists many facts on the outcome of the failure of Proposition 30. The article explains how public schools in California will have to adjust to severe budget cuts. Swift explains how particular school districts, such as the Sonora Union High School District, have dealt with recent budget cuts. The article applies to the general public.






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